
I 'm Back


Hi, I'm back. Since i graduated, i didn't update my blogger. 
Hmm~ ~ How are you? Everything is fine? ( I DON'T KNOW IS ANYONE VISIT MY BLOG, BUT I JUST WANT TO GREETING)

What I'm doing after graduation?
This two years non-stop working, non-stop thinking how to earn money......
Two years.... my time my freedom.....gone~~
What i gain this two years, my mom keep asking me....
my mom: how's your job?
me: hmm...so far so good
mom: what's your next plan?
me: hmm.... i don't know.....

What i'm care about?
I care i have no money to let myself survive!!

Is it money important than life?
Of course, no money how to have a good life!!!

What kind of life you wanted?
in my mind keep popping out-this question: what kind of life i wanted?
My answer: Rich

Last two years, i no dare to do what i like, what life style i am requesting.
In my mind all think about working because -money!! I used my time changed my income, but i feel sad, i lost my way. 

Finally, i made a decision- resign!
I passed my resignation letter.

Everyone asked me did you find  a job bla bla bla~~~~
Super annoying, but i am enjoying! Hahaha

Stay Tune..... I will share  how i spent my time after resigned.... :)

Freestyle... Friendly....kindly and dearly😂🤣

pantai remis, perak, Malaysia
你可以叫我 “Nico" 也可以叫我 “芷莹”